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Welcome to Rendering Tutorial Site

Welcome to Rendering Tutorial site. This site is develop to help artist, architects, advertisers, visual artists and hobbyist a place to share, gain and learn from tutorial writers, important knowledge, tricks and tips in using rendering and image processing software. Some of the link here were cross posted from other sites, some of them were develop for this site, and some of them were shared wholeheartedly by different individuals.

Friday, 20 January 2012

These Asian Visualisers keep on making me amazed on the quality of their rendering and modeling. Here is one of them; Sinung Wahyono, an Indonesian working as a 3D Visualizer in Jakarta. I stumbled on his site BLOG. Visit his site if you want to know more about him and his work. 

Here is one of his tutorial

3D Carving Modeling Tutorial by Sinung Wahyono

3d Carving Basic Technique 01

Hi..! it's my first tutorial about 3d Carving, i will explain step by step from basic form, thank you
Click on the image to enlarger > Right click to Save

1. Create a "Plane" > start from  Create Panel > Plane > then Right Click > Convert to Editable Poly > Rotate it a bit, about 40 degree

2. With vertex selection > move all vertex ( see the picture below )  > then Extrude Edges ( select edges + Shift + Drag )

3. Add some line with "Cut"  ( with vertex selection > Cut )

4. With Edge selection > select Edges ( see the Picture ) > then Full forward

5. Add some line inside the carving with "Cut"

6. Select middle Edges > then pull backward

7. Here the Final Low Poly

8. Final with  "Use NURMS Subdivision" , ( Iterations = 2 ) to smoothing

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